Saturday, August 31, 2013

40th Birthday Wish...Freedom for Nature

September 1st is my 40th birthday. All I wish for is freedom for all, including nature. I started using cannabis 17 years ago for my anxiety. I quickly found out that it not only helped with my anxiety but also with my add, ocd, and sleep issues. I couldn't believe that I taught health at the high school level and had NO IDEA what the truth was. I was brainwashed, just like half our country still is. I was taught cannabis was a bad, addictive, gateway drug. I had a masters degree in health curriculum and instruction and had NO IDEA wtf was really going on around me. My ignorance came to an abrupt end when I couldn't argue the results. I was a changed person. I could function daily without xanex or valium. There were no side effects like my prescription drugs and I wanted to scream it from the rooftops. NATURAL MEDICINE...WHAT A CONCEPT! I soon discovered that this phenomenon had been going on for roughly 10,000 years. How could this be? How could something so essential be illegal? I have since lived, learned, and lost my teaching career for being an activist. I wouldn't change it for the world. I could NOT "teach" our youth that "one marijuana cigarette was equal to 20 cigarettes." That is a quote in our textbook. D.A.R.E. is the devil! I currently teach anyone that will listen to me daily : ) I am a stay at home mom after just giving birth to out first son Jax. He WILL grow up knowing the truth about this miracle plant and it's never ending benefits, not to mention cancer killing abilities. If you have not had the chance, check out "When a Peacock Finds A Potleaf", a phenomenal children's book about medical marijuana. 

PLEASE do your part and educate anyone that will listen. TOGETHER WE CAN FREE NATURE. 

One Love

Thursday, August 22, 2013


How to cure Cancer with Cannabis

You all may have heard that cannabis does cure cancer or at least certain types of cancer. There is now no doubt to anyone who has done at least a little research that cannabis DOES have medicinal value, contrary to what our federal government says. The biggest issue currently is that most people are uneducated on how to use cannabis to cure cancer. Hope the following helps...

Oils cures Cancer

Many people think that “smoking marijuana cures cancer” but this isn't true. While smoking/vaporizing has different effect on the human body it is not the tried and tested method to kill cancer cells.
The only way you’d be able to cure cancer is by creating Cannabis oilsRick Simpson has a recipe for anyone interested in making their very own cannabis oils. Certain cancers however respond to different cannabis compounds and thus you’d first have to identify the “type of cancer” in order to know what strain to use.
For aggressive tumors usually respond to high THC doses whereas Leukemia would use a more balanced approach between THC and CBD. With further investigation and research science will eventually be able to create specific doses to treat specific cancers but in the meanwhile we’ll have to rely on this method. It is CBD that is used when treating children because there is no THC, so no "high".

Smoking Aides Side Effects

If you’re so unlucky to have to go through chemo this is where smoking/vaporizing becomes effective. Cannabis helps a lot for nausea and appetite stimulation and will help you through the pain as well. The Oils never get you high but smoking or vaporizing will most definitely do that.
This is a definite good way to control pain, nausea and maintain a general state of happiness throughout the chemo process. Obviously you should still be using oils throughout this time but smoking provides peace and serenity which oils don’t really achieve.

Eating It For Pain

In some cases pain will become unbearable and for this you will resort to eating. Make some cannabis butter with a thick Indica dominance and every time your pain becomes so unbearable then simply eat a cookie or a pre made brownie. The effects will take about 30 minutes to activate and by the hour your pain should be completely tolerable or non-existent

Eating Raw Leafs

Finally to truly harness the full potential of cannabis you’ll also want to eat raw leafs. Not only will this provide you with a cocktail of vitamins, amino acids and cannabinoid acids that feed our endocannabinoid system AND it will dose you with CBD as well. When implementing all of these methods in unison you’ll be on your way to curing your own cancer. 

For more info:

Monday, August 19, 2013


My Mom's cannabis questions answered for her own ailments. Choose nature : ) 

This blog is dedicated to my Mom who is open to learning everyday. Love you Grammy. XOXO

If a blood clot forms it may block blood flow to a part of the body.  This may cause serious problems such as stroke (a blood clot in the brain) or heart attack (a blood clot in the heart). People who smoke or drink alcohol increase their risk of developing a blood clot.
Many people with essential thrombocythemia have no signs or symptoms.  The first indication you have to the disorder may be the development of a blood clot (thrombus).  Although clots can develop anywhere in your body, with ET, they occur most often in your brain, hands and feet.

Signs and symptoms depend on where the clot forms.  They include:

  1. • Headache
  2. • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  3. • Chest pain
  4. • Weakness
  5. • Fainting
  6. • Temporary vision changes
  7. • Numbness or tingling of the hands and feet
  8. • Redness, throbbing and burning pain in the hands and feet (erythromelalgia)
  9. • Mildly enlarged spleen

Lifestyle and home remedies

Take extra care to reduce your risk of developing blood clots if you have essential thrombocythemia.  Healthy lifestyle habits can lower your risk of developing conditions that may contribute to blood clotting.  These conditions include diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.  Take steps to:

  • • Eat healthy foods.  Choose a varied diet rich in whole grains, vegetables and fruits and low in saturated fats.  Try to avoid trans fats.   Portion control to maintain a normal weight.
  • • Increase your physical activity.  Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day.  Take a brisk daily walk.  Ride your bike.  Swim laps.  If you can not fit in a long workout, break it up into smaller sessions spread throughout the day
  • • Achieve or maintain normal weight.  Being overweight or obese increases the pressure in the veins in your pelvis and legs and is a risk factor for conditions such as high blood pressure, which increases your risk of blood clotting.
  • • Stop smoking.  Smoking cigarettes affects blood clotting and circulation.

TREATMENT: Medical Marijuana

Use organically grown medical marijuana.  An indica x hybrid—made into a (whole plant extract) tincture.

Taken under the tongue (1-2 drops) twice a day. 

 Medical marijuana:

• anti-inflammatory properties
• cannabinoids stop the growth of certain cancer cells
• anti-stress properties
• anti-microbial properties
• relieves hypertension
• relieves burning hands and feet
• relieves numbness and tingling

Sunday, August 18, 2013


My Mom's cannabis questions answered for her own ailments. Choose nature : )

This blog is dedicated to my Mom who is open to learning everyday. Love you Grammy. XOXO

What is hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia, also called low blood glucose or low blood sugar, occurs when blood glucose drops below normal levels.  Glucose, an important source of energy for the body, comes from food.  Carbohydrates are the main dietary source of glucose.  Rice, potatoes, bread, tortillas, cereal, milk, fruit, and sweets are all carbohydrate-rich foods.

After a meal, glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the body’s cells. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps the cells use glucose for energy.  If  a person takes in more glucose than the body needs at the time, the body stores the extra glucose in the liver and muscles in a form called glycogen. The body can use glycogen for energy between meals.  Extra glucose can also be changed to fat and stored in fat cells.  Fat can also be used for energy.

When blood glucose begins to fall, glucagon—another hormone made by the pancreas—signals the liver to break down glycogen and release glucose into the bloodstream.  Blood glucose will then rise toward a normal level.  In some people with diabetes, this glucagon response to hypoglycemia is impaired and other hormones such as epinephrine, also called adrenaline, may raise the blood glucose level. 

Hypoglycemia can happen suddenly.  It is usually mild and can be treated quickly and easily by eating or drinking a small amount of glucose-rich food.  If left untreated, hypoglycemia can get worse and cause confusion, clumsiness, or fainting.  Severe hypoglycemia can lead to seizures, coma, and even death.
In adults and children older than 10 years, hypoglycemia is uncommon except as a side effect of diabetes treatment.  Hypoglycemia can also result, however, from other medications or diseases, hormone or enzyme deficiencies, or tumors.


“The symptoms of my Hypoglycemia were much less significant when I was smoking.. . .”
“I am hypoglycemic and I have a difficult time eating as frequently as I should. . . . “
“It helps me with appetite, nausea, pain, and it calms me down quckly if my blood sugar goes too low and I get hypo-crazy. “
“No effect on my blood sugar- even helped the day-to-day because I hate eating so dang often and pot makes that a real joy. “
“Eating foods made with the canna butter helped  my hypoglycemia immensely.”
“I am hypoglycemic and I have a difficult time eating as frequently as I should without marijuana.  I also have hypersensitivity, so my body can't handle a lot of foods and it's always painful to eat and digest (even raw organic foods). I have an extremely hard time keeping food down and managing nausea and stomach/intestine pain.  Pills are too harsh on my stomach and the only thing that's worked for me is marijuana.  I prefer vaporizing rather than smoking because my body is so sensitive, and the carcinogens in the smoke can make me feel even worse.”

“I am  hypoglycemic also, and let me tell you, mary jane has been my savior on some days....I also get chronic stomach pains, and I've been using northern lights to combat it, and things work well.”
“Cannabis being an appetite stimulant is a very positive effect for me since I experience nausea and lack of appetite every day.  I guess it's important to not wait too long after smoking to eat something so my blood sugar won't drop too low.”

“I smoke weed because I need to eat every 2 hours and when it comes to breakfast, lunch and dinner it is hard for me to eat, even if I do small portions.

Hypoglycemia-- Symptom Treatments:
A. Medical marijuana (cannabinoids) stabilize blood sugar
B. Marijuana does not block the body’s response to hypoglycemia
C. Marijuana relieves stress
D. Marijuana relieves anxiety
E. Marijuana is an appetite stimulant
F. Marijuana relieves nausea
G. Marijuana relieves stomach pains

Eat a varied diet:  five to six small portion meals everyday.

Friday, August 16, 2013

My Mom's cannabis questions answered for her own ailments. Choose nature : )

This blog is dedicated to my Mom who is open to learning everyday. Love you Grammy. XOXO


Depression and Anxiety:

D. Mark Anderson, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics at Montana State University, Daniel I. Rees, PhD, Professor of Economics at the University of Colorado Denver, and Joseph J. Sabia, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics at San Diego State University, stated the following in their Jan. 2012 study "High on Life? Medical Marijuana Laws and Suicide," published by the The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in its Discussion Paper Series:
"Consistent with the hypothesis that marijuana can be an effective treatment for depression and other mood disorders, there appears to be a sharp decrease in the suicide rate of 15- through 19-year olds males in the treatment states as compared to the control states approximately two years after legalization...

Our results suggest that the legalization of medical marijuana is associated with a 5 percent decrease in the total suicide rate, an 11 percent decrease in the suicide rate of 20- through 29-year-old males, and a 9 percent decrease in the suicide rate of 30- through 39 year-old-males. Estimates for female suicide rates are generally measured with less precision and are sensitive to functional form...

The strong association between alcohol consumption and suicide related outcomes found by previous researchers... raises the possibility that medical marijuana laws reduce the risk of suicide by decreasing alcohol consumption."

Thomas F. Denson, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the California State University at Long Beach, and Mitch Earleywine, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York at Albany, wrote the following in their Apr. 2006 study titled "Decreased Depression in Marijuana Users," published in Addictive Behaviors:

     "Those who consume marijuana occasionally or even daily have lower levels of depressive symptoms than             those who have never tried marijuana. Specifically, weekly users had less depressed mood, more positive           affect, and fewer somatic complaints than non-users. Daily users reported less depressed mood and more           positive affect than non-users... Our results add to the growing body of literature on depression and marijuana       and are generally consistent with a number of studies that have failed to confirm a relationship between the         two after controlling for relevant variables...

 George McMahon, author and medical marijuana patient in the US Federal Drug Administration's Investigational New Drug (IND) program, stated in his 2003 book Prescription Pot:
"People who have never struggled with a life threatening or disabling illness often do not comprehend how debilitating the resulting depression can be. Long days spent struggling with sickness can wear patients down, suppress their appetites and slowly destroy their wills to live. This psychological damage can result in physiological effects that may be the difference between living and dying.
The elevated mood associated with cannabis definitely affected my health in a positive manner. I was more engaged with life. I took walks and rode my bike, things I never considered doing before in my depressed state, even if I had been physically capable. I ate regular meals and I slept better at night. All of these individual factors contributed to a better overall sense of well-being."

 Frank Lucido, MD, a private practice physician, stated in his article "Implementation of the Compassionate Use Act in a Family Medical Practice: Seven Years Clinical Experience," available on his website (accessed June 11, 2012):
"With appropriate use of medical cannabis, many of these [cannabis-using] patients have been able to reduce or eliminate the use of opiates and other pain pills, ritalin, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, anti-depressants and other psychiatric medicines, as well as to substitute the use of medical cannabis as a harm reduction measure for specific problematic or abused substances with a much more serious risk profile (including alcohol, heroin/opiates, and cocaine)."

Jay Cavanaugh, PhD, National Director for the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis, wrote in his 2003 article "Cannabis and Depression," published on the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis website:
"Numerous patients report significant improvement and stabilization with their bipolar disorder when they utilize adjunctive therapy with medical cannabis. While some mental health professionals worry about the impact of cannabis on aggravating manic states, most bipolar patients trying cannabis find they 'cycle' less often and find significant improvement in overall mood. Bipolar disorders vary tremendously in the time spent in the depressive versus manic states. Those who experience extended depressive episodes are more likely to be helped with cannabis.
Patients who use cannabis to 'relax' may be treating the anxiousness sometimes associated with depression. Cannabis aids the insomnia sometimes present in depression and can improve appetite. Better pain control with cannabis can reduce chronic pain related depression.

 Bill Zimmerman, PhD, former President of Americans for Medical Rights (AMR), stated in his 1998 book Is Marijuana the Right Medicine For You?:
"Some patients have found the mood altering effects of marijuana to be helpful for treating mood disorders such as anxiety, depression and bipolar (manic-depressive) illness. Using marijuana to treat mood disorders was described in medical writings in the 19th and early 20th centuries...
The mental component of the pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) often causes psychological problems and is now technically classified as an atypical (not typical) depression. Many women report benefit from using marijuana to improve the symptoms of PMS."

Saturday, August 10, 2013



If A Peacock Finds A Pot Leaf book review
By Gina Epps

Written by: Morgan Carman
Illustrated by: Geneva Carman

Peter The Peacock is the main character in a medical marijuana book for kids of all ages. It was written by 17-year-old Morgan Carman and illustrated by her mom, Geneva Carman. These two ladies have done a lot towards helping spread the truth worldwide.

Peter goes for a walk one day trying to relieve his depression and comes across a strange leaf. He takes it with him on his walk to find his friend Benjamin Beaver. Benjamin gives Peter the 411 on medical Cannabis. He tells him to ask others along his way and see what they think.

Peter comes across several other animals during his journey, including an owl, a spider, a camel, a rhino and even some rasta piggies. They all added to the knowledge that Peter was already building. He learned about marijuana treating chronic pain, glaucoma, migraine headaches, insomnia, anxiety and also using it to increase our appetite. Peter even learned that marijuana is used for treating cancer after nasty radiation and chemotherapy kills our healthy cells. Also we can use the hemp plant for building instead of cutting down trees.

Finally, Peter comes across a rabbit who teaches him how medical Cannabis could help Peter with his depression. Peter gets his MMJ license and finally starts to feel better. He was even able to fan out his colorful wings and show off his gorgeous feathers after medical Cannabis helped him treat his depression naturally.

If A Peacock Finds A Pot Leaf is the first book my husband read to our unborn son. This book is extremely well-written and easy-to-understand. Our son will grow up understanding the wide range of medicinal uses for Cannabis thanks to this beautifully illustrated and engaging book.  

The Carmans’ next book, Peter The Peacock Visits Hemp Island, is set to be released in October of 2013. Keep an eye out for a new character named Queen Bee Gina the Ganja Bee named after yours truly. She is responsible for making sure all the seeds are pollinated. One Love.

Peter The Peacock also likes to help out the Cash Hyde Foundation by donating part of his proceeds. Get your copy today and help spread the truth while also helping out a great cause.

Monday, August 5, 2013



Dr Peter Fried, a researcher at the University of Montreal, has followed the children of middle-class mothers who used only marijuana during pregnancy and a control group whose mothers used no substances.
For the first five years, Fried observed no differences. Then he started to notice, perhaps unconsciously prompted by the threat of a funding cut-off from the US government, that there were subtle differences in the groups of children. The children of the pot users had a slightly higher intelligence than the other group. Fried has attributed this to "the earth mother effect". Marijuana-using mothers on average spent more time with their kids and read more to their kids.
However, he claims that kids born from the marijuana-using mothers have slight gaps in "executive functioning." An example he gives of this type of function is the skill and speed at which a person can recite the alphabet backwards. I was pulled over last year and couldn't do that well at age 39 : ) Even so, he says that the cognitive differences are very slight and are not significant as compared with neurological damage to fetuses from cigarette smoking or consumption of alcohol.
There are several other studies of the effects of marijuana use on the fetus. None have shown any significant differences in functioning.
Another aspect of marijuana is its effect on appetite and feeding. In one study, Esther Fride of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem injected newborn mouse pups with a chemical that blocks the body's receptor sites for its endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide. The pups had problems feeding. Some of the mice died and the survivors grew slower. Pups that were given the blocker and a supplemental dose of THC fed normally. This suggests that a baby fed by a lactating marijuana user might be more likely to have a healthy, well-regulated appetite.

The same cannabinoids found in marijuana are also found in breast milk. So, weather you partake in cannabis during your pregnancy or not, your baby will get their cannabinoids if you breastfeed. This may initially sound shocking to some, but the fact is that these cannabinoids have an important purpose in the growth and development of babies. Cannabinoids promote hunger in newborns, which ensures both an adequate milk supply in the mother and enough nutrition for baby.

Babies have to learn how to eat after birth. Cannabinoid receptors in the brain bind to the chemicals in breast milk to trigger a hunger response in babies. This response helps babies to nurse frequently. Frequent nursing is very important during the first months of life as baby learns how to eat. The brain and body of a newborn rapidly develops during the first year of life. Breast milk contains everything that a baby needs to develop, but the baby must first learn how to suckle. When cannabinoid receptors in the brain are activated, newborns experience a natural response that improves the coordination of muscles used to drink breast milk.
The naturally occurring cannabinoids in breast milk have a specific biological purpose that helps infants gain weight after birth. The same response that encourages an infant to eat is reflected among cancer patients who use medical marijuana to regain their appetite after treatment based caused severe weight loss and nausea. The fact that the human body has receptors for cannabinoids is important to consider. The cannabinoids in breast milk are the same as those found in marijuana. As a medicinal plant, marijuana can be beneficial for many reasons.
When used medicinally, marijuana can improve immune function and reduce the symptoms of many diseases. Cannabis is a natural pain reliever that has been used in some states as an alternative medicine for cancer, glaucoma, and for anxiety and depression among adults. The use of marijuana among cancer patients has been well documented as reducing the severe side effects of cancer treatment, which can include nausea, tiredness, vomiting, and depression. In modern society, marijuana is slowly becoming a viable complement to traditional medical treatments. According to, cannabis is useful in the treatment of Alzhimer’s disease, migranes, premenstrual syndrome, and seizures.

Cannabis has an effect on both the central nervous system and the immune system. BBC News reports that multiple sclerosis sufferers have experienced relief from symptoms of the disease by using cannabis extracts after other treatments failed. The relaxing properties of marijuana extracts can also be useful in the treatment of some mood disorders. The true potential of marijuana, especially in its natural form, is yet to be determined because of the stigma attached to the use of the plant. Luckily, people have started to realize that cannabis is a truly medicinal plant that can improve health while promoting a sense of well-being when used properly.
Fresh marijuana leaves can be juiced to create a healthy drink that contains dozens of beneficial cannabinoids. The use of marijuana as a natural remedy to illness and disease dates back thousands of years. It is only in recent history that the use of cannabis has become taboo. With more people fighting illness and disease than ever, the use of medical marijuana is growing. Cannabinoids, and cannabis, are safe and effective in the treatment of many different conditions. That human body was designed to make use of cannabinoids from birth. Natural cannabis,rather than extracts, is the best way to get the health benefits of marijuana.