Tuesday, June 25, 2013

If A Peacock Finds A Pot Leaf book review
By Gina Epps
Written by: Morgan Carman
Illustrated by: Geneva Carman

Peter The Peacock is the main character in a medical marijuana book for kids of all ages. It was written by 17-year-old Morgan Carman and illustrated by her mom, Geneva Carman. These two ladies have done a lot towards helping spread the truth worldwide.

Peter goes for a walk one day trying to relieve his depression and comes across a strange leaf. He takes it with him on his walk to find his friend Benjamin Beaver. Benjamin gives Peter the 411 on medical Cannabis. He tells him to ask others along his way and see what they think.

Peter comes across several other animals during his journey, including an owl, a spider, a camel, a rhino and even some rasta piggies. They all added to the knowledge that Peter was already building. He learned about marijuana treating chronic pain, glaucoma, migraine headaches, insomnia, anxiety and also using it to increase our appetite. Peter even learned that marijuana is used for treating cancer after nasty radiation and chemotherapy kills our healthy cells. Also we can use the hemp plant for building instead of cutting down trees.

Finally, Peter comes across a rabbit who teaches him how medical Cannabis could help Peter with his depression. Peter gets his MMJ license and finally starts to feel better. He was even able to fan out his colorful wings and show off his gorgeous feathers after medical Cannabis helped him treat his depression naturally.

If A Peacock Finds A Pot Leaf is the first book my husband read to our unborn son. This book is extremely well-written and easy-to-understand. Our son will grow up understanding the wide range of medicinal uses for Cannabis thanks to this beautifully illustrated and engaging book.  

The Carmans’ next book, Peter The Peacock Visits Hemp Island, is set to be released in October of 2013. Keep an eye out for a new character named Queen Bee Gina the Ganja Bee named after yours truly. She is responsible for making sure all the seeds are pollinated. One Love.

Peter The Peacock also likes to help out the Cash Hyde Foundation by donating part of his proceeds. Get your copy today and help spread the truth while also helping out a great cause.


  1. Queen Bee Gina sure is busy planting the seeds of knowledge! I hope they grow up and change the world.

    1. Thank you hsl. If you plant them...they will grow...
