Friday, October 25, 2013

Mamaepps Homemade Hemp Oil Soaps

      Mamaepps Homemade Hemp Oil Soaps

Coming November 2013 in time for the holidays...

1.  Hemp Oil with Vanilla Oil

2.  Hemp Oil with Almond Oil

3.  Hemp Oil with Coconut Oil

4.  Hemp Oil with Pumpkin Spice Oil

5.  Hemp Oil with Patchouli Oil

*Special request scents will be considered. 

Bars will be $5.00 each or 5 for $20

Cubes will be $1.00 each or 12 for $10


I will have a website, an Ebay store, and a Facebook page. All payments will be made to my PayPal account. Thank you for your time.

             ONE LOVE

Monday, October 21, 2013


What about the Children?

When it comes to marijuana and legalization, one of the most important questions
that is asked is "What about the children?"

That is our question too.   

We feel that it is our children's future, their lives, and their world that we are jeopardizing by not utilizing this plant to the fullest.

We feel very strongly that we should stop lying to our children about Cannabis and trying to scare them into staying away from it. Education and open discussion will help our children learn to stay away from drugs, not fear.

We feel we can teach our children to stay away from drugs, while at the same time being honest in the education we provide. We can teach them that it is an adult decision to consume recreational drugs, and that they are allowed to make their own decisions when they become adults.
We feel we can help them to make educated choices when it comes to using recreational drugs and we want our loved ones, including our adult children, to have a safer recreational choice than alcohol and tobacco.

We are tired of hiding our own use, whether medical or recreational, while other parents can openly take narcotics, drink alcohol, and smoke tobacco. We feel we can teach our kids that drugs are not for children, unless the child is ill, and then, as with any medicine, you get it through the doctor.
We are disgusted by the toxic choices we are limited to through traditional pharmaceutical medications. We are tired of not having the option of a safer alternative for our families than dangerous prescription drugs. We are fed up with poisoning ourselves and our loved ones with these drugs because there is no other option "legally" available. We are tired of our medicine being on the streets, instead of a pharmacy where it belongs.
We feel that we can teach our children to stay out of the medicine cabinet or out of the alcohol in the fridge and we can also teach our children to stay away from of our Cannabis.

We are tired of our children being arrested and locked away. We are tired of seeing the lives of our children, their educations, and their futures ruined because of their decision to experiment with a harmless plant instead of alcohol or harder drugs.
We are sickened as we watch money being stripped away from our schools while the cost of this global drug war continues to skyrocket.
We are fed up with the violence, the cost, the risks, and the inaccessibility of the black market. We are tired of contributing to the black market because it's our only option available.
We are disgusted by the capability our children have in purchasing this drug because drug dealers do not check I.D. and are fed up with our children being exposed to hard and dangerous drugs because the black market is the gateway, not Marijuana.

We are sick of being afraid that our children will be taken from us because of our use of a nontoxic plant. We are fed up with having to justify our use, or even stop our use, because of our own fears of persecution.
We are done with society saying that we are bad mothers and are putting our children in danger. We know that we are good mothers, who care about our children, and this plant is not dangerous! The War on Drugs is dangerous.

We know that the Cannabis plant is not just about the drugs found in the flowers. We feel that its other uses also need to be discussed openly, and honestly, in every possible way. We are fed up with using non-biodegradable products derived from petroleum when there is a safe, renewable, biodegradable, sustainable, and versatile resource available.
We are tired of this issue being skirted around, and laughed at, by our lawmakers.

And we demand that it is time to take advantage of this valuable resource and provide our world with another crop, new "green" products, and a new source of jobs, taxes, and revenue.

We are moms and our number one concern is our children. We have done the research, we have analyzed all evidence, and after using logical and critical thinking, we have decided that we are moms for Marijuana.
But we are also more than just mothers. We are fathers, sons, and daughters, too.
We are of every gender, nationality, race, ethnicity, social class, education, and religion. We are everyone who cares about the future of our society, the future of our planet, and especially the future of our children. And we are fed up with the ignorant, hateful stereotypes and false stigmas that surround this plant.

It is time to thoroughly research and openly discuss EVERYTHING about the Cannabis plant. It is time to make Cannabis consumption beneficial to our society and to start thinking about future of our children. It is time to talk about this.

This is a compilation of viewpoints and opinions from concerned parents around the world who want the war against the Cannabis plant and culture to end.

If you have something to add, please email

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The benefits of medical Cannabis compared to prescription drugs?

What are the benefits of medical Cannabis compared to prescription drugs?

There are endless benefits from medical marijuana. In February 2010 investigators at the University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research publicly announced the finding of a series of randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials on the medical utility of inhaled cannabis. The studies, which utilized the so-called ‘gold’ standard (the best, most reliable, or most prestigious standard) FDA clinical trial design, concluded that Cannabis ought to be a "first-line treatment" for patients with neuropathy and other serious illnesses. Among the studies conducted by the Center, four assessed smoked-Cannabis’s ability to alleviate neuropathic pain, a notoriously difficult to treat type of nerve pain associated with cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, spinal-cord injury and many other debilitating conditions. Each of the trials found that cannabis consistently reduced patients’ pain levels to a degree that was as good or better than currently available medications. Another study conducted by the Center's investigators assessed the study and determined that “smoked cannabis was superior to placebo in reducing spasticity and pain in patients with MS, and provided some benefit beyond currently prescribed treatments.”  

Prescription drugs kill over 100,000 people every year. How many people die from Cannabis use yearly? Dr. Grinspoon says, “There are no deaths from Cannabis use anywhere. You can’t find one,” said Dr. Lester Grinspoon, professor emeritus at Harvard Medical School. Believe it: In 10,000 years of known Cannabis use, there’s never been a single death attributed to Cannabis.
“You have to smoke something like 15,000 joints in 20 minutes to get a toxic amount of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol,” said Dr. Paul Hornby, a biochemist and human pathologist who also happens to be one of the leading authorities on Cannabis research.
Like with almost any type of additive to the body, there are some mild side effects that come along with the use of medical Cannabis. These may include dry mouth, drowsiness, giddiness, hunger, and red eyes. However, when compared to the side effects of the FDA-approved prescription medications, these consequences seem quite minimal. Anyone who’s ever heard a commercial for a prescription medication knows how scary that list can be. But to cite just one example, there is currently a psychoactive drug that is growing large breasts on elementary-aged boys.  

Friday, October 4, 2013


Cannabis Patients Network

Cannabis Patient Network (CPN) is a dream for founder Mark Petersen. He began interviewing cannabis patients across the nation in 2006. Hundreds of patients, most from non-medical states, have shared their stories - and Mark has in turn shared these stories over the Cannabis Patients Network YouTube Channel., in documentaries, and to support Cannabis Educational efforts.

CPN has grown to become a national organization focused on merging science with the patient experience and has now launched a membership organization with CPN Institute. Through CPN Institute Mark plans to build a National Archive of patient stories as more patients become empowered to share their experiences and knowledge of cannabis use.

ALL sponsorship funds go directly to educating the public, education within the cannabis community, research efforts, and community support.

Cannabis Patients Network Institute's (CPNI) National Sponsors Program provides cannabis and other organizations an opportunity to provide hope for cannabis patients - and save lives - through:

*Supporting education and research

*Gathering of patient testimonials and

*Community development projects across the nation.

The National Sponsors Program provides companies with a meaningful opportunity for volunteerism and philanthropy, while uniting their brand with communities across the country in support of a unifying cause: medical cannabis.

Currently, CPNI is the active recruitment arm for a national meta-study seeking over 10,000 Veterans across 'medicalized' states to join the study.

Early CPNI Sponsors noted a 15% in overall business and up to 40 new patient customers in the first month of sponsorship.

CO-Sponsored by Cannabis Patient Network and Patients Out Of Time

Cannabis Patient Network has partnered with Patient's Out Of Time's Mary Lynn Mathre, and the American Cannabis Nurses Association to present its "2013 Caregiver Seminar Series" across the U.S. Dates have already been scheduled in New Mexico, Colorado, and Michigan and more are anticipated!

This is THE FIRST OFFERING OF a "Certificate of Completion" for a Continuing Education Accredited Endocannabinoid Course for Cannabis Healthcare Personnel and Medical Professionals.

Cannabis Medicine Today

Cannabis Patient Network is moving into publishing! With Mark's experience as Editor-in-Chief at Medical Cannabis Journal a huge success in California, we'd like to take the first venture at a national cannabis journal and self-publishing.  Cannabis Medicine Today is a journal that connects cannabis science with the patient experience-not a lifestyle mag and definitely not High Times-a true Medical Journal.

Our vision for a Cannabis Medicine Today (CMT) Journal is to provide an informative, national medical cannabis magazine for patients, healthcare providers, and the public.  Our primary goal is for CMT to become the primary resource material for patients and care providers helping them set a course of action for improved health.

Each will include:

*Current Headline Articles
*Complimentary Content
*Advice Column
*Patient Art/Writing Highlight
*Research Spotlight
*And, of course tasteful, appropriate advertising

Cannabis Patient Network is seeking funding to support its vision of launching Cannabis Medicine Today nationwide, beginning with a preview edition this fall to coincide with CPNI Caregiver Seminars.

With your membership and support, CPN Institute will continue to bring hope to a hurting world.
